Van Goga Day in Artplay

December 16, 2017 on Artplay will host Van Goga Day. The event program includes a three-hour yoga marathon in a multimedia hall, film screenings and an exhibition “From Monet to Malevich. Great modernists “.

1. Yoga for Vag Goga (11:00 – 14:00)

Surrounded by multimedia projections, the participants of the marathon will go to the French town of Arle, where Van Gogh painted many paintings. The yoga-marathon will be held by two instructors of the professional Yoga_Method team Mikhail Pavlov and Mikhail Smorov, as well as a specially invited guest Anna Sologub (Aniko). Participation in the marathon does not require special physical training, the level of complexity is chosen by the participant himself. Marathon “Yoga for Van Gogh” will be held with the support of the Blog “Life in the Yoga style” (@_yoga_lifestyle_).

Van Gogh has a quote that perfectly reflects the path of yoga: “Great things are performed by combining minor actions”. When practicing every day, we improve ourselves and make the world better.


Pri pristátí som povedal hosteske, že dievča potrebuje pomoc s návštevou kúpeľne. A vysvetlil tento príbeh zo skutočnosti, že v poslednom lete sme sa ho pokúsili zakázať (ale bola to lož). V blízkosti konca letu sme vstúpili do kúpeľne a zaoberali sme sa sexom. Sme obaja malí, kamagra predaj v lekarni bolo to dosť ťažké, aj keď dobre! – Andrei, 27 rokov.

Multimedia exhibition “From Monet to Malevich. Great Modernists ”(14:00 – 20:00)

The exhibition of modernists is a journey into the world of art of the late XIX – early XX centuries, when culture and society experienced a real revolution. Every year he brought new achievements – gramophones, cinemas, writing machines, electricity, aircraft, phones, x -rays. At the same time, the world was shocked by political coups and wars. Art acutely reacted to what was happening. It was then that art movements appeared, later united by the term “modernism” – expressionism, abstractionism, surrealism, surematism, etc.

3. Cinema “Museum of Orsa” (16:00 – 17:00)

90 min., 2011, France, Arte TV channel.

The Orsa Museum is located on the left bank of the Seine in the very center of Paris, opposite the Louvre. Originally designed for the State Council, it was burned during the Paris Commune. In 1900, Orsa was turned into a railway station, to which trains arrived with visitors to the World Exhibition, and in 1945-with former prisoners.

Since 1986, the Steel Space has turned into a window of the world’s largest collection of works of impressionists and post -impressionists. Now Orsse is one of the most complete meetings of European painting and sculptures of the period of 1850–1910. There are also performances, concerts and film festivals.

4. Movie “Van Gogh. With love, Vincent ”(20:00 – 22:00)

This is the world’s first film painted with oil paints – its creators ordered to 115 artists 62,450 paintings using Van Gogh technique, and also placed 94 of the fabric of the master himself. Dorota Kobel and Hugh Velchman is an attempt to figure out what happened to the post -impressionist. The investigation of the causes of his suicide is being carried out by the postman Rails (Chris O’Daud) and his son (Douglas But). This is the last chance to see a film on a wide screen. The tape leaves the rental in early December.

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